More riding. Less Not-riding. Or in other words...stop thinking about riding and just go ride.
Seeing as how this blog is about my Cyclosis, I figured I chould chime in now and again...
Went out for a great ride yesterday on the SIR 9. Nice bike. I still think deep down that a Reynolds 853 hardtail is the bee's knees. However, the reality of back pain dictates that I also have a full squish in the quiver.
Anyhow, the ride was great. Cleared my head and put to rest any thoughts I was having about selling the hardtail. I also decided that I am going to keep running the SIR as a SS. I had been toying wit the idea of popping some gears on it...meh...I like it how it is.
So I think I will be sporting the RIP and the SIR this summer. My hope is to be able to remain convinced that I don't need to do the whole end of season buy/sell/get the updated stuff when November comes around. It would be a novelty for me to ride a bike for two seasons in a row, i.e. not have a new rig every year. Just because one "can" doesn't mean one "can", or should.
Along the same lines, I came across a nice thread on mtbr.com yesterday. Something about "What's cool for 2009?". I was surprised to see how many folks responded with "keep what you have", "ride it 'til it breaks", etc. Apparently I'm not the only one with this sentiment.
Thread is here: http://forums.mtbr.com/showthread.php?t=493924